29 December

2025 is going to be the year I look into a few new business ventures, in Sweden we say many creaks turn into a large river. And that is what I am doing. I am starting the year off with the publication of the fourth book in the series. I am excited to start writing on book 5. 

I am also looking into a new business oportunity that will bring me into a new area for me, very exciting. 

My outlook on 2025 is positive, I see great opportunities on the horizon and I can't wait to start. I hope you have a great outlook on the new year!

24 December 

I just realized that I didn't realize it was christmas eve tonight. That tells you a whole deal about me, I've been thinking that it's a few days away. 

I started a Patreon account to have a place where people can support me if they want to, and I have been busy making it a cool place. Today I went for a snowy walk and that was very cosy, I really love walking in the snow, it makes it feel like christmas is really here (even though I compleately spaced it this year) 

So I guess I am spending the rest of the night doing the christmas thing. 

Marry Christmas to all of you. 

12 September

The fall is a busy time for me, I spend as much time as I can in the forest, picking things. I have been focusing on marketing the first book. The Crown Prince, it's taking up a lot of my time.

Today is a beautiful fall day and the sun is shining, the temperature is perfect.

I am rewriting all the chapters in book 4 before sending them to my proofreader. It is great to get back to writing on it after some time away.  It really helps and gives you a fresh view of your writing. 

It seems that some people doesn't realize that this is a series. They read the first book, and then wonder why it ended there.

This is a problem. Other than that it's going pretty good. I feel like I am on schedule to release the fourth book at the end of the year of beginning of 2025. Today I am drying mushrooms and berries, well, have a great day. 

9 August

After years on the Tiktok app, I tried a different approach. I am seeing result. I finally I have fantasy readers who are excited to hear about the books.

Here is the update of the fourth book;

My proofreader is working his way through the book and doing a great job. I hope to get the fourth book out before the end of the year. I still have a few things to do before that happens.

Today here in Norway it is a beautiful summer day. This summer has been perfect. Not to hot, not too cold. Just perfect. And that is the way it is up here in Northern Norway. It's either really bad weather, or perfect. There is no inbetween here.

Summer is my relax time for me, I try to enjoy the light summer nights and take in as much sun as I can. Winter will be here soon with total darkness. Winter is my writing time, I sit inside with a hot cup of coffee or tea and write. Not much else is happening. I am just giving my proofreader more chapters when ever he catches up with me. That is it. Sun, nature and light. Enjoy your summer. 

2 August

Yesterday I was contacted by a reader that had listened to the audiobook of The Crown Prince on Audible and loved it. I don't know if readers know how much it means to an author to hear that someone enjoys the hard work it takes to make and produce a book. Much appriciated. It really made my day and it gave me a push to get back to writing.

When you are a self published author you have to do it all yourself. Write, edit, rewrite, translate, get editors, beta readers, proof readers. You are in charge of finding a cover designer and buy a cover. Then publish the books to all the different platforms.

Audiobooks are another thing you have to do. It costs a lot to make an audiobook. I am hoping to get enough sales to make the whole series into audiobooks. Marketing is another hat that an indie author have to wear.

It can't cost a lot, because everything costs money: Editors, proof readers, narrators, cover designers. It is fun to learn and I really want it to be as good as it can be for my readers. 

19 July

I nominated The Crown Prince for "Prime reading."

It is ebooks for Amazon Prime members to read for free. I hop I get it. That would mean a much bigger exposure and helping new readers find the books in this wonderful series.

If it gets "nominated"., (I guess they rotate the books on there) and I don't know why it wouldn't be. Tell me what you think about prime reading if you have experience with it as an author or reader.

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16 July

The fourth book is going well, my proofreader is working his way through my spelling and language. It will be nice to get it published and focus on the next and last book in the series. Or so I think. At least for this story. I might write other stories in the same universe. I have not decided yet. It is so much work writing a book but fun at the same time. I usually write when I am inspired, I never force myself to write. I have been focused on marketing since the algoritm on the clock app doesn't show the videos to readers. Sure, you can get followers, but are they the right followers? If you are not getting readers as an author then how is that going to help you with exposure? It obviously won't. It's a waste of time. You can pay for marketing but that gets expensive quick and not all people can afford to spend large amounts on adverticement. 

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12 July

The Crown Prince is on Audible, Spotify, Storytel AND on Kindle Unlimited. I am hoping it will give me more exposure. I have also applied to get it out as a memberbenefit book on Audible. So keep your fingers crossed I get it. 

I baked a gluten-free and Vegan, bread made from mung-daal. It's so good. Some people bake with red lentils but I think it's a preference thing. I also always fill upp my kitchen with food over the summer. I am done for this year. It's a great way to save money. 

Every summer I slack off a bit, take some time off and do other things. 

I am still looking for my tribe on Tik Tok, I find more and more fantasy lovers that are looking for an immersive FMC High Fantasy book to read. I am thinking more and more of getting the audiobooks done too. 

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6 July

I added The Crown Prince to Kindle Unlimited, KU!

Readers can now read the first book in The Kongahälla Legend book series on KU. The algoritm on TikTok is worse than bad. The only way to reach readers is throug direct message. It is a lot of work, but we all need to find new readers som how. It is going really well. I have had an overwhelmingly positive response and I hope this will lead to a lot of new readers finding the series. A question I see repeated over and over on TikTok is ;What the heck is going on with TikTok's algoritm? It is so bad. If you know or know what to do about it. 

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4 July

Yesterday I made a new book trailer for The Crown Prince. It's the first book in the Kongahälla Legend book series. I usually try to find video or pictures that can represent the story as I see it. Maybe provoke some interest in the books. I find that I have to be in the right state of mind when I make the video. Or else it doesn't work. It is not easy and takes sometimes all day for me. When the pictures are picked and put in the right order on Canva. I finish it in TikToks video fixer program. There I usually delete some pictures and then look for the right music. That is usually another couple of hours or work. When you finally get the music and pictures to match then it is ready to go. Yesterday when I posted it I saw that it was only shown to ten people...

That really doesn't make it worth the time you spend making them. To get around this I hunt for fantasy readers looking for recs and interact with them so that they will go to my page. I feel like this is the algoritms job, not mine. How do you feel about this? 

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29 June

Last year I stopped using Meta and I don't use X (twitter).

As a small indie author I try to reach my audience. It is not easy. I also use TikTok. I noticed that views on videos are as low as in the fourties. So I decided that it was no longer any point in using Tik Tok either.

Because of this I now only repost old posts and once a week I do a new post if that. I now use TikTok more as a place to keep posts, incase a reader happens to stumble on my content. The algorithm is just getting worse and worse. I looked if I could adjust something to make it better. I found that I couldn't do anything to adjust the amount of views. The thing is that there is millions of people on all of these platforms. So if they only get fourty views, that is because it is not shown by Tik Tok. It have nothing to do with the content. The same content got many more views only a month ago.

I also looked at how many hours I spent on tiktok this week. I spent three hours. For the amount of effort it takes to make posts and videos. It is not worth the effort anymore. I feel like I am slowly retracting from all social media. It is just not worth it anymore. If it is only for people that buy views, then there is no point to be there for the rest of us. Same on Meta too. 

26 June

I came up with a new blurb to the sci-fi book I am working on. 


Gabe takes a job at Veritas, one of the mega-corporations that owns everything on the planet. To him, it’s just another mundane work trip to the outskirts of the galaxy. Until he notices some strange things onboard the mega spaceship. Did Veritas send him and the other workers to work? Or are they really prisoners onboard this ship, being sent to an early grave?


The blurb is the hardest thing. I am still learning how to write a good one. 

Today I am making indian butter chicken (without chicken).

I found this excellent recipe on youtube and just substituted the chicken with tofu. You know what they say...

Everything taste like chicken. It is one of those things that is pretty tastless. So is tofu.

Marinating tofu can make it a great substitute for meat. I like to make large batches of food that is made from scratch and then freeze it in portion sizes for a daily dinner. It is a really great way to avoid cooking dinner every single day. Also, if you are going somewhere all you have to do is just to boil potatoes or rice or what ever you want with the portion you made.  Have a great day.

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June 25

The food prices are sky high in Norway. They keep going up. I decided to go to Sweden and shop for groceries for the entire year. An investment.

Prices are about 3 times higher in Norway. In Sweden it gets cheaper the further from the Norwegian border. The shops on the Swedish and Norwegian border has "Norwegian prices".

I started making these yearly food trips once a year, about three years ago. I buy for as much money as I can aford to. You still make money doing this. Most food in Norway has doubbled in price this year. This way I can keep what I need. The staples. Sugar is double the price in Norway. Things like that.

The food I bought last year lasted me about eight to nine months, then most of it was gone. If you live close to a country where prices for food are much lower. Make food trips like this. You will save so much money. There are so much more to choose from in Sweden. Better quality, better brands. Especially if you have allergies, or are gluten-free.

Allergy Food are three times more expensive in Norway. And there is a lot more to choose from in Sweden. There is a lot of money to save doing this. 

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June 20

Tomorrow is Midsommer and I am making a cake, and having friends over for coffee and cake. I am listening to a program on BBC on ultra processed food. It is really scary to think of what people normally eat. I changed the way I ate when I got sick. Started reading lables, learned to make food from scratch. Not using easy alternatives; like premade sauses, soups and more. I try to make what I eat from scratch. It isn't more difficult than using ultra processed food. It often just seem that way. It is fast and easy to cook a meal from scratch. 

The problem is that vegetables are so expensive that it is hard to afford eating good food. Ultra processed food is cheap. Good food is expensive. The best way to get around it is to grow your own food. Make things from scratch. I have learned that there are so many alternatives on the market. Things you never try as a normal food consumer. I started buying new vegetables I had never tried. Alternative flour like Teff or Chickpea flour that are both also gluten-free. I bake my own bread and cracker bread, it is not hard and not ultra processed. I hope you are having a great summer. 

June 18

Today I continued to delete my pictures on Facebook. It is not like Facebook is paying any of us for the use of our information. They take for granted that we will all give our information away for free. While they profit from it... How is that ok? Six months ago they did the: You can either PAY to not have ads OR give us access to all your information. That is when I deleted all the groups I had and stopped posting things. Six months later... They are now training their AI on all of our information since 2007. Talk about a red flag. 

What is the next thing going to be? What is the next thing we all are expected to give away so that META can profit? It is just a matter of time. All I can say is: They lost my trust six months ago and if they are not paying us. Then they are not getting my info. I am going through all the plattforms deleating what I can. Restricting what I can. Maybe you should too. 

June 14

Yesterday I went with a friend to a seminar with a group that empower women. What a great idea. 

I guess the weather is really cold and rainy in most places. Here it is absolutely beautiful, warm and sunny. We are expecting record number of tourists from southern Europe this summer. Most of them are trying to get away from the extreme heat down there. Today I published a short story collection. Small stories about life, stories I have written about anything and everything. Growth, family, illness, awakening, work, friendships. Feels good, I had some dinner in the sunshine and now I will have some coffee. I am still working on a few different stories, I am hoping to publish them all. I hope all of you have a wonderful summer day. 

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June 8

My friend gave me rubarb from her garden. So it gave me the perfect opportunity to try out canning. It is nice not to have to keep more food in the freezer. I am excited to try it. I am still working through the fourth book in the series, with the help of my proof reader. It is going well. I can't wait to publish it. There will be a fifth book in the series, because I think it would be messy if I tried to cram it all in there in this fourth book.

I honestly don't know how people can write a thousand page book. If I did that, I think it would be the slowest book in history. You would have to slow everything down so much. Or so I think anyway, I might be wrong.  What do you write a thousand pages about? I will put all the books into like a box-set when I am done.

This book series is fast paced, with lots of twists and turns.

The first book is where the story begin, in this book it is ancient times in the human world (Midgard). 

The story in these books spans over almost a thousand years,

Hild is immortal battle Valkyrie, and for her time is not something she thinks about. Not the way humans do. The Kongahälla Legend book series is the story about Hild and the man she loves. It is Hild and Arnor's story.

At the same time I have started to think about what to write when this series is over. I think I might take a break from writing fantasy, but who knows.  All it takes is a new idea.

Hope you have a great day today. 

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June 6

Today I filled out the form on my FB page in settings. Telling them (Facebook) that they can not use my pictures to train their AI.

But I am tired of Facebook. I will take down all my pictures, and only use messenger to communicate with some of my friends. 

I stopped using Facebook about 6 months ago when they did their latest update before this one.

They gave people two choices.

1 pay to not see ads,

2 give up the right to all your information. 

So I decided to stop using Meta platforms altoghether. No Whatsapp, No Instagram, No Facebook.

I started thinking of what I got out of being on their platforms and decided I did not benefit enough. Considering the amount of time spent.

Not using social media has been hard. I think we are all addicted. It makes us "feel like we are connected," but it is an illusion. And honestly, how much reach do you get on any social media account now days?

You have to buy ads, and even then how much reach do you have?  

I think all that time spent making videos, thinking about new content, spending money on ads.

Could be spent on making more books, making other projects that can also bring in money. 

Being on the major platforms is like having a full time job. Do we really get paid enough for all the work you do? 

I feel I don´t.

Waiting for likes does not pay my bills. 

June 3

Today we got some rain, it was nice. I am having a cleaning day today and then realaxing. I think it is important not to totally neglect everything when you write. I can get so caught up in my writing that I just don't have time to do everything else. I am making it a point to clean my office and my space. 

My proofreader is catching up with me, and I am enjoying our short summer. Sometimes it is good to take a week off. If you never give yourself time to relax and not write then you will burn out. So I am taking action and enjoying some well needed rest. I feel like I have had some time away from TiKTok now and I am not missing it. With the low views it is not worth the time it takes to keep it up, I think my books will become visible once more of them are published. There are many authors that are not on socialmedia and that are still selling books. I think this will make me happier. Today I made a pizza bottom from red lentils, it turned out very well. I will do it again, I might tweak the recipe a bit to make it better next time. It is a game changer for someone like me that are both gluten-free and plantbased. If you are looking for a great fantasy book series to start, set in viking/ancient times about a Valkyrie and her adventures in the nine worlds. Then this book series might be just what you have been looking for. Take a break from fae/dragon books and try a Valkyrie saga instead. Have a great day. 

June 1

Good Morning. I have taken the summer off social media, and I feel like it has freed up a lot of time for me. I have heard of a lot of authors say that you don't need to be on social media to sell lots of books. I have been thinking alot about this. On a personal note; I feel like everything is coming together. The last five years have been life changing for me. Just like for many people around the world with the virus etc. Now prices are rising and it is hard to keep up. I hope you all have a great summer. Please leave me a review if you read the books, it means a lot. Thank you, have a great day. 

Just a normal morning in April, 2024

Good Morining, today is a sunny spring day. I am contemplating the things I need to do. Today I will go over chapter 12. Filling in things that are missing, like enviroment, movement and adding or changing dialouge. Then I will send it to my proofreader. He just sent me chapter 5 a few days ago, so I am hoping I get chapter 6 today.

When I get a proofread chapter, I again look over it, making sure it is good. Then I wait for the next chapter to arrive. I translated my books myself, that is why it takes more time, than if I wrote them in English in the first place.

I started a new book, but this time I am writing in a different genre. It will be a Mystery book this time and only one book not a series. This book is about the disappearence of a man. So it will be compleately different than The Kongahälla Legend book series that I am writing now. Of course I will continue to write on that series too.

I only started because my proofreader works slower. So having another project to work on while I wait is fun. 


Using Less Social Media

I find that I am disconnecting more and more from all the media plattforms. They don't serve authors and is all about money now. I also disconnected from streaming plattforms that doesn't show what I think is interesting.

All of this started a long time ago, when all the annoying commercials started to bombard every program on tv.

I instead started watching streaming services. But over the years since then, new movies added are getting poorer and poorer quality. First I noticed that a lot of things I wanted to see was not available where I lived??? Why am I paying for movies I can't see? Right? The movies that is available are often part five of an already bad movie franchise.

Instead of new movies being made, from interesting new books it is now mostly endless remakes or contiuation of bad movies. The selection is not getting better, but is getting worse each month.

This month I stopped paying for 3 of the 4 streaming services I had. 

I used to have Facebook and Instagram, whats app was never my thing.

As an author I need ways to reach my readers and FB doesn't show anything unless you pay for it.

When they in November 2023, blocked access to the account "Unless" you agreed to either pay for a FB without adds OR, give FB access to ALL your inforation. Norway, EU, and the US sued Meta and I decided to not use Meta anymore.

I started using TikTok instead. 

On TikTok as an author, your content are only being shown to other authors. It is also going the same way the others did with it all being ads and ads. Finding readers is very hard.  Making content that is not shown to the right people is a waste of time. So I am cutting down on the time I spend on TiKToK and will only use it as a posting board.

I will check it once a week maybe less, post something, answer questions. But I will focus less on social media and more on this blog. Screaming into the void is pointless. It is better to focus on normal life, and live in the moment. 

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Human Voices Only! In april on TikTok

Because none of us want AI narrated books. We have to speak up, all of us, it doesn't matter if we are authors, artists, narrators or any of the many artforms performed by humans. If we don't speak up now and get it regulated to protect out art. #HumanVoicesOnly is an event that is held a few times a year by authors and narrators on TikTok.  Authors give permission to read a snippet from their books or WIP and then we share it. If you are a narrator of if you are an author, check it out an participate! This time I am only doing one snippet from my WIP (book 4, that is being proofread as we speak) I can't wait to hear it!

It is spring 2024!

I have gone through the fourth book with beta readers. Now I am going over the fourth book again, and having it proofread. For the longest time I left the ending open. Maybe because I wasn't sure what I would do. Continue? End it there? Leave it open? Was it going to be a happy ending or a tragic ending? This story about Hild and Arnor is coming to an end. I do not want to do what I see a lot of other authors doing: keep writing when the story is told.

It feels strange but,


The more I thought about the story I realized that there was too much going on to try to wrap everything up in book 4.

I think that it is more important that the story is told well than that I finnish the story fast. Ending this story will give me free range to write what ever I want to write. If my readers find this book series and like it, then I might continue stories in this world. If not, then I will not write more about this but start something new. 

I have been thinking a lot about this.

A day in the life of this indie author

It's funny, I saw TikTok videos on NaNoWriMo and how writers after a certain point throw away what they decided to write and write something completely different. And of course, I thought: that will not happen to me, my story is solid... Yeah... not so much. So here I am throwing away what I thought I was writing and starting on a completely different story. Am I crazy? I don't think so, even though we are already twelve days into NaNoWriMo I think it can be done. 

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NaNoWriMo and deleting Facebook

I deleted Facebook and Instagram when they blocked access to my page and my fotos and videos and forced me as their costumer to comply by answering two questions. What happened was that they violated peoples integrity with their new policy and was sued by Norway and then EU. To get around this they quickly blocked peoples profiles and asked two questions:

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Crowd funding on Kickstarter

Today I decided to try crowd funding on Kickstarter. I want to make the books into audiobooks but it is too expensive for me to do it on my own. So I spent most of the day writing a profile to explain why I need help financially with this project. Yesterday I spent the day making book trailers for the books, but the third book is too complicated and I could not find video to make one for Bound. 

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The final touches before the new realease of the book Bound.

So much work to get the book out to my readers, but it is worth it. Me and my proof reader are working overtime to make sure that the book is well edited and that there is no major spelling errors. I have every chapter back from my PR and I have gone through the chapters three times so I feel pretty good about it now.

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This map shows Kongahälla with its bridges and the moat. In the first, and second book it is the old trade city, the most Southern city in Norway during Viking times. In the harbor, ships loaded and unloaded things for trade, and on the other side of The North River. The Ragnhild fortress protected the city from the South.

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I decided to do NaNoWriMo this year!

And I am writing in a different genre than Fantasy, I am writing a suspense thriller. And I am also editing book 4 at the same time. I am enjoying myself a lot. So far I am just trying to get the story down on paper, and choose perspective. I got the idea from watching a tiktok video. Sometimes when you see something on tv or online, it could be a story or what ever but, when you see it you know that: That thing could be a great book. 

I also found a new site to use as an author. It is called ko-fi.com and is sort of like Patreon but much simpler. It is for writers and authors and creatives. A site where our followers can choose to support our project with the price of a cup of coffee or what ever they want. It also has a blog and many other things. If you are curious or just want to check it out or support me then you can. I will keep looking for new sites that has all the features I need as an indie author.


A day in the life of this indie author

It's funny, I saw TikTok videos on NaNoWriMo and how writers after a certain point throw away what they decided to write and write something completely different. And of course, I thought: that will not happen to me, my story is solid... Yeah... not so much. So here I am throwing away what I thought I was writing and starting on a completely different story. Am I crazy? I don't think so, even though we are already twelve days into NaNoWriMo I think it can be done. 

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NaNoWriMo and deleting Facebook

I deleted Facebook and Instagram when they blocked access to my page and my fotos and videos and forced me as their costumer to comply by answering two questions. What happened was that they violated peoples integrity with their new policy and was sued by Norway and then EU. To get around this they quickly blocked peoples profiles and asked two questions:

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Crowd funding on Kickstarter

Today I decided to try crowd funding on Kickstarter. I want to make the books into audiobooks but it is too expensive for me to do it on my own. So I spent most of the day writing a profile to explain why I need help financially with this project. Yesterday I spent the day making book trailers for the books, but the third book is too complicated and I could not find video to make one for Bound. 

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The final touches before the new realease of the book Bound.

So much work to get the book out to my readers, but it is worth it. Me and my proof reader are working overtime to make sure that the book is well edited and that there is no major spelling errors. I have every chapter back from my PR and I have gone through the chapters three times so I feel pretty good about it now.

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This map shows Kongahälla with its bridges and the moat. In the first, and second book it is the old trade city, the most Southern city in Norway during Viking times. In the harbor, ships loaded and unloaded things for trade, and on the other side of The North River. The Ragnhild fortress protected the city from the South.

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A day in the life of this indie author

It's funny, I saw TikTok videos on NaNoWriMo and how writers after a certain point throw away what they decided to write and write something completely different. And of course, I thought: that will not happen to me, my story is solid... Yeah... not so much. So here I am throwing away what I thought I was writing and starting on a completely different story. Am I crazy? I don't think so, even though we are already twelve days into NaNoWriMo I think it can be done. 

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NaNoWriMo and deleting Facebook

I deleted Facebook and Instagram when they blocked access to my page and my fotos and videos and forced me as their costumer to comply by answering two questions. What happened was that they violated peoples integrity with their new policy and was sued by Norway and then EU. To get around this they quickly blocked peoples profiles and asked two questions:

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Crowd funding on Kickstarter

Today I decided to try crowd funding on Kickstarter. I want to make the books into audiobooks but it is too expensive for me to do it on my own. So I spent most of the day writing a profile to explain why I need help financially with this project. Yesterday I spent the day making book trailers for the books, but the third book is too complicated and I could not find video to make one for Bound. 

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The final touches before the new realease of the book Bound.

So much work to get the book out to my readers, but it is worth it. Me and my proof reader are working overtime to make sure that the book is well edited and that there is no major spelling errors. I have every chapter back from my PR and I have gone through the chapters three times so I feel pretty good about it now.

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This map shows Kongahälla with its bridges and the moat. In the first, and second book it is the old trade city, the most Southern city in Norway during Viking times. In the harbor, ships loaded and unloaded things for trade, and on the other side of The North River. The Ragnhild fortress protected the city from the South.

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If you want to support me as an author so that I can make the whole series into audiobooks then you can find me on: 


Support Jenny Fikke Author on Ko-fi! ❤️.


Ko-fi ❤️

Where creators get support from fans through donations, memberships, shop sales and more!

The original 'Buy Me a Coffee' Page.

Today is NaNoWriMo DAY 6

I was really excited to do NaNoWriMo this year, and I am writing in a different genre than my books. I am writing a Suspence/Thriller about a couple. It is still changing so I am as excited about seing what happens in this book. So far I am doing great.


If you want to listen to my podcast where I talk about all things, things I do, things I write, and what ever I want to talk about. Then you are welcome to listen to my podcast that I started before I spent a month in Spain in September 2023.


NaNoWriMo 2023

Preptober 10

I decided that I am going to do Nanowrimo 2023, I am going to write a suspense/thriller. Today I went into the Nanowrimo page to check it out. It is going to be an interesting experience to do. You can follow along here if you want I will post updates of how the writing is going. You can also follow me on TikTok if you want to watch videos or follow my podcast if you want ot listen. So far I have written a short story outline of what I am writing about but I think that I need to make it easier to follow. I am also exploring the Nanowrimo page and filling out the bio etc. 

I decided to try travelling and writing. I went to Spain and walked and wrote for a month to see if it was something I would like or not. I went to Malaga, Cordoba, Alicante and then back to Malaga. I think of all the places I went I like Malaga the best. At first I sat in coffee shops and wrote with my laptop, but there were just too many people walking around and often really loud music that is nothing like the music I write to. I then found a co-working space by Santander in the center of Alicante. What a great idea! That worked great, it was quiet and there was a café to get some coffee. No time limit so I could come, stay as long as I wanted and leave when I felt like I was done for the day. 

I think that travelling and writing is something I will do again, I will use what worked and what didn't work on this trip to make it work better on my next trip. I got home a few days ago and I feel like I am still adjusting to coming back home again. Here in Norway it is winter and in Spain it was summer so it was strange. The winter is my writing period so I am going to write as much as I possible can this winter. I have several projects I want to write on. 

I am also back on tiktok again, but since I came back I don't know what to talk about on tiktok. I think it is just a matter of being out of it for a while, I am sure it will get easier again. 

I am also on myindiebookshelf.com so I am going to get in there and add things, I am sure Christian has added tones of new features. 

I have spent 6 months marketing my books everyday.

And I finally feel like I am getting some traction. As a new indi author, you have to know it all, and learn it all. And every time you learn something new and think you have it under control. You notice that you missed something, and then you have to fix it. I enjoy being an indi author, to me it is like having my own book company where I am in charge of all decitions. This I hear on the madia plattforms is not for everyone. But I like it. 

It did make me look at where I am spending my time and what gives me a return for my input. And I found that TikTok is the platform where I see a return on my effort. On Twitter I see likes but no sales. On facebook, same thing. 

And you have to manage your time well, if you are to both write and market your books. Or, you end up only marketing them. (This is not a call for marketing spammers to bombard me with spam.) 

When you write as an indi author every one wants to "Help" for a price. Indi authors are not really making money if they are starting out. Any bussiness takes time to start to generate a profit. So also the book bussiness. 

We pay for editors, sometimes several edits, we pay for proof readers, we pay for book covers and at this point we are a lot of money in the hole. And when people offer to Help market, for an expensive price. They do it because they don't want to work for free.

Authors on the other hand have worked for free the whole time they wrote the book, and payed and payed and have not seen a cent. And when someone offeres to help for the small price of another payment. 

It really makes you feel un appriciated as an author. And then your book should cost nothing to compete with Amazon's subscription services. Like Kindle Unlimited that forces you to be loyal to them. Where your book can be pirated and then you as an author will loose your account. Kindle Unlimited might sound wonderful for readers but for authors, not so much...

We make more money if we are sold everywhere. Sometimes I wish we got some more respect for all the work and the money we spend to give a reader a day of joy. 




I had the honor of being one of the many authors read by narrators on #femmeaudiotakeover this year!

On the 7 July (yesterday) I had a lot of small snippets read that I have posted on TikTok. All the narrators were so generous with their time and being willing to show us what they can do. I think they were fantastic and what a difference it makes to have a great narrator read your book. 

So wich one was your favourite?

I love them all, of course they are text taken out of kontext and you will really only get the compleate appriciation if you get the entire scene start to finish. I do love them all. 


So like you probably guessed, I did not get a lot of reading done this week. But this was so much fun and I feel like I gained new tiktok friends when I think of all the narrators.  But tonight I am going to sit down and write. 


Tik Tok is turning out to be the best platform for me as a writer.

I have tried all the platforms. Facebook has too many rules, when you as an indi author need to promote your book. Who wants to read a page of rules every time you visit a group. Nah... not for me. 

Twitter, I liked twitter, I tried the spaces, met up with other authors that was sharing some snippets of their works and I tried marketing my books for people looking for fantasy books. But it did not result in sales. I ended up sitting and promoting for hours and it was just not worth the effort, so I looked for something else.

Before I had an account on Tik Tok I thought that this plattform was only for the people dancing silly dances infront of their I-phones. But the more I am on here, I think that Tik Tok is a great community for authors. Here you can find readers loving their books, authors marketing their books with creativity, being able to reach out to other authors in a way that I have found impossible on the other plattforms. Yesterday I found out that @Belfry gem books one of the many people on TikTok had a contest where they looked at 56 books from all genres and then picked 8 books. I had no idea about this when they tagged me, and I found out that my book The Crown Prince was one of the winners. 

This community where people like the narrators reading snippets for authors and others that recommend indi author books is so amazing!! 

It really creates a community. It really benefits us all when we help eachother. 

Femme Audio Takeover!!! 7 th of July 2023

This week I found out that narrators on TikTok are reading snippets from indi authors books for free. I could hardly believe my luck! So of course I jumped on the opportunity to get snippets from my book read. What a wonderful thing to do. I wonder what started it. From what I understand this is something that narrators have been doing and are doing a few times a year? 

My first book The Crown Prince is already narrated, but it is narrated in brittish English and I don't think it is working with my fantasy content. I have decided to re make all my books into American English when the whole book series is out. 

So for me, this is a wonderful opportunity to hear different narrators read and maybe... I will find that perfect one. 

They are all so talented! A narrator can make or break the audiobook experience and when a narrator is good, the book come alive and the world disappear and you get to live in that world with their voice in your head. What a wonderful thing. I am so excited! 

To all narrators participating: You are wonderful, thank you very much!

I am also still working on book 4, it will be out in 2024. 


Author talk at the library.

The other week I visited the local library and ended up having a nice talk with the librarian. I told her I am an author but that my books are in English and not in Norwegian. She told me that that really didn't matter, she ordered them to the library on the spot. She also asked if I wanted to come and do an author talk at the library. She asked if I could maybe read from the book. So of course I went home and immediately started researching book talks. Looking at youtube clips of author talks. I think I get it now. And it might be fun! I have also been thinking of going to fantasy conventions and viking festivales. This might be the beginning to that, who knows. 


Bound is out!

Buy the three first books in the series for 50% off @Smashwords.

I have decided to keep the book series discounted for my readers.

(If you read it and want to leave a review, I really appriciate it.) 

I want my readers to have an inexpensive way to read the books that is not Amazon.

My experience with them has not been great, so I will promote their competitors. Draft2digital has been a wonderful experience after dealing with Amazon for a couple of years. Draft2digital really cares about their authors, and in the short time that I have used them they have had several free promotions for me as an author to promote my books. This has been very refreshing.

And I did not have to be exclusive or anything like on Amazon. 

My experience crowdfunding on Kickstarter. 

It's now been about a month since I put my project up on Kickstarter.

This is my experience:

I have been bombarded by posts and messages from scammers. Kickstarter even removed a third of the money I had gotten from "backers" because it was clear to them it was all scammers. 

Most of them sent a generic message saying that they liked my clothing line and wanted to back me...


I don't have a clothin line.

They all are experts or know a lot of experts and what to "help" for money. Some try to guilt you into it, others are super pushy, and they all pray on authors desperation.

Indi authors are poor lets be realistic, that is why we go on a crowd funding site like Kickstarter to find the funding that we don't have.

My experience of Kickstarter is that there are NO REAL BACKERS THERE who want to back real people.

It is only scammers looking for easy prey. And that is really sad. Or...

That is my experience of Kickstarter. 


A day in the life of this indie author

It's funny, I saw TikTok videos on NaNoWriMo and how writers after a certain point throw away what they decided to write and write something completely different. And of course, I thought: that will not happen to me, my story is solid... Yeah... not so much. So here I am throwing away what I thought I was writing and starting on a completely different story. Am I crazy? I don't think so, even though we are already twelve days into NaNoWriMo I think it can be done. 

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NaNoWriMo and deleting Facebook

I deleted Facebook and Instagram when they blocked access to my page and my fotos and videos and forced me as their costumer to comply by answering two questions. What happened was that they violated peoples integrity with their new policy and was sued by Norway and then EU. To get around this they quickly blocked peoples profiles and asked two questions:

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Crowd funding on Kickstarter

Today I decided to try crowd funding on Kickstarter. I want to make the books into audiobooks but it is too expensive for me to do it on my own. So I spent most of the day writing a profile to explain why I need help financially with this project. Yesterday I spent the day making book trailers for the books, but the third book is too complicated and I could not find video to make one for Bound. 

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The final touches before the new realease of the book Bound.

So much work to get the book out to my readers, but it is worth it. Me and my proof reader are working overtime to make sure that the book is well edited and that there is no major spelling errors. I have every chapter back from my PR and I have gone through the chapters three times so I feel pretty good about it now.

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This map shows Kongahälla with its bridges and the moat. In the first, and second book it is the old trade city, the most Southern city in Norway during Viking times. In the harbor, ships loaded and unloaded things for trade, and on the other side of The North River. The Ragnhild fortress protected the city from the South.

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A day in the life of this indie author

It's funny, I saw TikTok videos on NaNoWriMo and how writers after a certain point throw away what they decided to write and write something completely different. And of course, I thought: that will not happen to me, my story is solid... Yeah... not so much. So here I am throwing away what I thought I was writing and starting on a completely different story. Am I crazy? I don't think so, even though we are already twelve days into NaNoWriMo I think it can be done. 

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NaNoWriMo and deleting Facebook

I deleted Facebook and Instagram when they blocked access to my page and my fotos and videos and forced me as their costumer to comply by answering two questions. What happened was that they violated peoples integrity with their new policy and was sued by Norway and then EU. To get around this they quickly blocked peoples profiles and asked two questions:

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Crowd funding on Kickstarter

Today I decided to try crowd funding on Kickstarter. I want to make the books into audiobooks but it is too expensive for me to do it on my own. So I spent most of the day writing a profile to explain why I need help financially with this project. Yesterday I spent the day making book trailers for the books, but the third book is too complicated and I could not find video to make one for Bound. 

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The final touches before the new realease of the book Bound.

So much work to get the book out to my readers, but it is worth it. Me and my proof reader are working overtime to make sure that the book is well edited and that there is no major spelling errors. I have every chapter back from my PR and I have gone through the chapters three times so I feel pretty good about it now.

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This map shows Kongahälla with its bridges and the moat. In the first, and second book it is the old trade city, the most Southern city in Norway during Viking times. In the harbor, ships loaded and unloaded things for trade, and on the other side of The North River. The Ragnhild fortress protected the city from the South.

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Maps showing Konghälla during viking time and during the middle ages. 

A day in the life of this indie author

It's funny, I saw TikTok videos on NaNoWriMo and how writers after a certain point throw away what they decided to write and write something completely different. And of course, I thought: that will not happen to me, my story is solid... Yeah... not so much. So here I am throwing away what I thought I was writing and starting on a completely different story. Am I crazy? I don't think so, even though we are already twelve days into NaNoWriMo I think it can be done. 

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NaNoWriMo and deleting Facebook

I deleted Facebook and Instagram when they blocked access to my page and my fotos and videos and forced me as their costumer to comply by answering two questions. What happened was that they violated peoples integrity with their new policy and was sued by Norway and then EU. To get around this they quickly blocked peoples profiles and asked two questions:

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Crowd funding on Kickstarter

Today I decided to try crowd funding on Kickstarter. I want to make the books into audiobooks but it is too expensive for me to do it on my own. So I spent most of the day writing a profile to explain why I need help financially with this project. Yesterday I spent the day making book trailers for the books, but the third book is too complicated and I could not find video to make one for Bound. 

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The final touches before the new realease of the book Bound.

So much work to get the book out to my readers, but it is worth it. Me and my proof reader are working overtime to make sure that the book is well edited and that there is no major spelling errors. I have every chapter back from my PR and I have gone through the chapters three times so I feel pretty good about it now.

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This map shows Kongahälla with its bridges and the moat. In the first, and second book it is the old trade city, the most Southern city in Norway during Viking times. In the harbor, ships loaded and unloaded things for trade, and on the other side of The North River. The Ragnhild fortress protected the city from the South.

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A day in the life of this indie author

It's funny, I saw TikTok videos on NaNoWriMo and how writers after a certain point throw away what they decided to write and write something completely different. And of course, I thought: that will not happen to me, my story is solid... Yeah... not so much. So here I am throwing away what I thought I was writing and starting on a completely different story. Am I crazy? I don't think so, even though we are already twelve days into NaNoWriMo I think it can be done. 

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NaNoWriMo and deleting Facebook

I deleted Facebook and Instagram when they blocked access to my page and my fotos and videos and forced me as their costumer to comply by answering two questions. What happened was that they violated peoples integrity with their new policy and was sued by Norway and then EU. To get around this they quickly blocked peoples profiles and asked two questions:

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Crowd funding on Kickstarter

Today I decided to try crowd funding on Kickstarter. I want to make the books into audiobooks but it is too expensive for me to do it on my own. So I spent most of the day writing a profile to explain why I need help financially with this project. Yesterday I spent the day making book trailers for the books, but the third book is too complicated and I could not find video to make one for Bound. 

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The final touches before the new realease of the book Bound.

So much work to get the book out to my readers, but it is worth it. Me and my proof reader are working overtime to make sure that the book is well edited and that there is no major spelling errors. I have every chapter back from my PR and I have gone through the chapters three times so I feel pretty good about it now.

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This map shows Kongahälla with its bridges and the moat. In the first, and second book it is the old trade city, the most Southern city in Norway during Viking times. In the harbor, ships loaded and unloaded things for trade, and on the other side of The North River. The Ragnhild fortress protected the city from the South.

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A day in the life of this indie author

It's funny, I saw TikTok videos on NaNoWriMo and how writers after a certain point throw away what they decided to write and write something completely different. And of course, I thought: that will not happen to me, my story is solid... Yeah... not so much. So here I am throwing away what I thought I was writing and starting on a completely different story. Am I crazy? I don't think so, even though we are already twelve days into NaNoWriMo I think it can be done. 

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NaNoWriMo and deleting Facebook

I deleted Facebook and Instagram when they blocked access to my page and my fotos and videos and forced me as their costumer to comply by answering two questions. What happened was that they violated peoples integrity with their new policy and was sued by Norway and then EU. To get around this they quickly blocked peoples profiles and asked two questions:

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Crowd funding on Kickstarter

Today I decided to try crowd funding on Kickstarter. I want to make the books into audiobooks but it is too expensive for me to do it on my own. So I spent most of the day writing a profile to explain why I need help financially with this project. Yesterday I spent the day making book trailers for the books, but the third book is too complicated and I could not find video to make one for Bound. 

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The final touches before the new realease of the book Bound.

So much work to get the book out to my readers, but it is worth it. Me and my proof reader are working overtime to make sure that the book is well edited and that there is no major spelling errors. I have every chapter back from my PR and I have gone through the chapters three times so I feel pretty good about it now.

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This map shows Kongahälla with its bridges and the moat. In the first, and second book it is the old trade city, the most Southern city in Norway during Viking times. In the harbor, ships loaded and unloaded things for trade, and on the other side of The North River. The Ragnhild fortress protected the city from the South.

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Hi and welcome to my author blog and my new author website.

For the last few months, I have been trying to find a social media plattform, where I can connect with my readers. I have an account on FB. But on most book related pages on FB you are not allowed to mention your own writing. As an indi writer who need to reach new readers, FB does not seem to be a plattform for me. 

Marketing is all about letting readers know you excist. I do have an author page on FB, but spend no energy on the plattform. 

I am also on Twitter, and I am sometimes on spaces reading some of the things I write. Like poems and short stories and to talk to other writers. Usually I try to advertice with writers lifts and on related pages.

The third plattform I just started using is TikTok. I am slowly figuring out what you can do to connect with other authors and new readers. So far I am loving TikTok. It really seems like a supportive writing community, and I am glad to be part of it.

My books are pretty much available everywhere, and if you can't find them ask for them. 

As a new indi author, I have tried different things and my experience with Amazon has not been great.

When I first published my books they did not even end up among books, but in the toy category. This took months to fix and by then, it seems that since noone had been able to find them that the algoritm pretty much hid them making them even more invisible.


I then uploaded them to draft2digital and wow! What a difference. They have free promo opportunities, a great news letter with tips and... I noticed a jump in sales immediately.  

Right now from 5 march to the 11 march they are on Smashwords readanebookweek23 for 75% off. So I have spent most of this week marketing my books on all platforms.

The third book "Bound" is almost out. I am patiently wating for my proofreader to work his way through the translation so that we can do the final edits necessary and then have it published. I am only just learning how to use this new website. 

Love/ Jenny

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